Yahoo & Emails

How to sign up to the Teamipswich water polo  group on Yahoo – for up-to-the-minute news and developments.

There are two ways to sign up to the Ipswich Waterpolo group on Yahoo.  

  1. If you already have a Yahoo ID, go to and click on the blue "Join this group" button on the right side of the page.  
  2. Alternatively, send an email to with the subject "subscribe" and a brief message saying you want to join.  

Either way you will get a reply saying your membership has to be approved (we have to do it this way because we had problems with spammers trying to join).  We will approve it and there you are!
Then you will get all the group emails, and you can send an email to and it will reach everyone.  The only limitation seems to be don't use too many exclamation marks or your message may get trapped in the spam filter.
If you have any questions or problems with using the Yahoo group, please email me directly at